Accelerate your FP&A career in 2024 with the Next Level FP&A course

I’ve helped hundreds of FP&A professionals grow their career, increase their income, and make a massive impact with their work… now it's your turn.

"You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your system" - James Clear

I've used the Next Level FP&A system to get promoted to FP&A Director in 8 years and 5x my income without job hopping or working more hours.But today's problem?Everyone wants to accelerate their FP&A career. Countless people reach out to me personally to figure out how they can break into FP&A or quickly grow their career.It makes sense. An FP&A Director can earn between $150,000 and $300,000 (external data) depending on a number of factors.Simply working harder or longer hours is no longer enough to stand out. And waiting in a long line to be the next to receive a promotion may take decades for you to hit your goal.You need a new approach. One that is entirely different and better at its core.It's not just more Excel tips, new BI tools, or a LinkedIn Learning course that's going to get you there.You need an effective way to reverse-engineer exactly what will get you the next promotion and build the long-term skills to keep advancing your career.

See what my students are saying

The need for great FP&A professionals is only growing

As AI and automation tools continue to drive value for the business with minimal cost, you might be asking where FP&A sits in this conversation. Is it a dying skill? Will it be automated?My take: Regardless of how advanced the technology becomes, there will always be a need for someone who can design, build, and execute the FP&A system to drive business performance.The one who designs, builds, and executes the system holds the power.

Hey 👋 I’m Brett Hampson the founder of Forecasting Performance and Senior Finance Leader for some of the largest and fastest growing companies in the world

I always knew I wanted to make a difference

I started my finance career in the accounting department of a Fortune 100 company posting journal entries by the thousands but pretty quickly transitioned into FP&A and fell in love with the work. I would forget to eat lunch and accidentally work later than everyone else because I would get lost improving a forecast model or building a sales report.That desire to make a direct impact in peoples' lives was somewhat fulfilled as I quickly became the go-to finance guru in the office and senior leaders relied on my reporting and analysis to navigate the business.But deep down I still wanted more...

Fast forward a few years - more responsibility became a heavy weight on me

For a while, I could simply work more hours if a business partner or the boss asked for something additional. Then the requests kept coming day after day - faster than I could work them. I wanted to be a trusted business partner and climb the ladder so simply telling people "no" was off the table for me.I eventually burned out.I seriously considered changing jobs so I could start over fresh, but I had built up so much goodwill that it didn't make sense. I wanted to get promoted so I could get out of the day-to-day, but I also knew that would require me to take on more pressure. No matter which path I decided, I knew I’d have to actually fix the root cause of what was holding me back. Even if I changed jobs I’d find myself in the same boat all over again. I needed a new way to operate.So I kept my head down and improved my efficiency - learning more advanced finance and BI tools (hello PowerBI, PowerQuery, and Tableau) and doubling down on Excel shortcuts.But this all simply led to me using that free time to take up more responsibility. On top of that, my boss wanted me to stop stressing so much about the details and technical part of the job so I could "level-up" and "focus on the big picture".I didn't have enough hours in the day to level-up and I didn’t have a clear roadmap of what it looked like. I knew deep down I was better than my peers (and even some people at higher levels) but I was struggling to show it.

I started to question my system and the outputs it was giving me

I can't remember when or where, but I heard the saying “your system is perfectly designed to give you the outputs you are getting”.If I'm being honest, I was hoping for the perfect role with the perfect manager in the perfect company to solve my problems. Not a great strategy. If I wanted a different outcome regardless of the role I was in, I needed a different system.I took a hard look at every task I completed, engineering it all to give me the output I wanted. Those outputs? become the best FP&A professional I know, not work past 5 regularly or weekends anymore, have a healthy and high performing team, get promoted, have energy for friends and family, things getting done early instead of last minute, fire drills from executives are handled with ease.Part of me wondered if it was just a dream that I could achieve all of that. But the alternative was to keep going down a path that I was not happy about.When most people would just change jobs to get a quick fix, I stayed put. Honestly, I'm not sure why I did, but I felt if I ran away from my problems then they'd eventually catch back up to me in a different role.I was on a mission to redefine the value I added to the business. It started all the way at the top with the meaning and purpose of FP&A, then drilled into my vision for how to live into that in my own unique way, then broke that vision down into actionable to-do's, and finally finding ways to generate more value with less time.Nothing was off limits and everything needed to be rebuilt.

That's when things started to change and finally take off (in a good way)

I wish I could tell you that it was easy... but my ideal plan quickly met the reality of my job.My business partners didn’t slow down with their requests, so I had to build a system to prioritize that work and have difficult conversations in a way that was effortless for me.My boss wanted me to drop everything when firedrills came from senior leaders, so my system had to be flexible enough to make space for the work without causing me to work late again.The business strategy would change mid-year and analysis we were doing would become useless overnight, so my system had to produce work with speed so that I wasn't wasting my time on something that would never see the light of day.Everything in my environment was pulling me back into the details of the job, so I needed to create intentional experiences where I could develop my next-level FP&A leader skills. It had nothing to do with my abilities and everything to do with my environment.What happened next?I was promoted to FP&A Manager, Sr Finance Manger, Head of FP&A, and finally Director of FP&A all within 8 years of starting my career in finance. I started making 5x more money now than I was back then. The plan worked! It turns out if you can transform an FP&A role, team, or department, your reputation spreads.But the coolest part? I wasn’t burning out anymore. I was leveraging my time and driving the highest value outcomes for the business. I was making a difference in peoples lives who worked for me in a way that fulfilled my original goal of pursuing finance. I was able to do this practically on autopilot by leaning into my system. The role was fun again.I unlocked a new level of performance that I hoped was possible, but wasn’t convinced. I became the guy who could step into a mess and implement my system to drive value that others weren’t able to.If this sounds appealing to you, keep reading...

Next Level FP&A

1. What is Next Level FP&A?

This digital course cuts through the noise and teaches the critical skills, experiences, frameworks, and systems you need to accelerate your FP&A career.It's not a lack of effort that's keeping you from achieving your career ambitions - you simply need to point the effort in a new direction. Nobody teaches us how to level-up our thinking so we can get out of the day-to-day grind. Next Level FP&A is not just a few best practices, but rather a comprehensive way of approaching the role to drive more impact while working less hours. It's your ticket to a fast-tracked FP&A career.

2. Why does it work?

The course teaches my exact blueprint that I have used multiple times to transform FP&A teams from reactive to proactive. It’s the same system that I've been teaching to others for years who want to accelerate their career. The genius of the system is that it works backwards from the goal of growing your FP&A career rather than wasting time on the textbook-basics of FP&A.They don't teach this stuff in school (although I'll probably fix that someday) mostly because this course teaches outcomes that are discovered through hard work of transforming FP&A teams. This isn't a theory-based course (although it does cover a few necessary frameworks), but is step-by-step tactics you can implement today to start seeing the results.

3. Who is it for?

Next Level FP&A is perfect for you if you are feeling stuck in your career, contemplating changing jobs so you can level-up (because staying put doesn't seem like an option for advancing), or not getting the rewards that match your potential. This could range from financial analysts who are new to the job, up to VPs of finance who want to further increase their income and impact.By the time you are done implementing the tactics in this course, you will be undeniably the best FP&A professional you know. Bold promise, huh? I mean it! I've used it myself and taught the same system one-on-one to countless others who have achieved their career goals, earned promotions, and dramatically increased their compensation (without job hopping). I'm excited for you to achieve the same!I'll even give your money back if you don't achieve your goals

Next Level FP&A course

Launch price:

60-day money back guarantee

  • Instant access to the course

  • Lifetime access

  • 60-day money back guarantee

  • Bonus: Earn The Promotion mini-course

Next Level FP&A will set you apart

The course contains the following teachings that are designed for you to implement right away and start seeing the benefits:

Module 1

Reverse-engineering success

Beginning with why FP&A exists, we dive deep into which activities you should focus on in The FP&A Value Stack. Here's a few hurdles you'll overcome:

  • Spending too much time on low-value tasks

  • Building too many reports and causing metric confusion

  • Getting caught being an order-taker rather than strategic thought leader

  • Underutilizing your forecast for the effort you put in

  • Being on the defensive with your business partner requests

Module 2

Develop your skills

What got you here won't get you there. The Next Level FP&A core skills matrix will ensure that you develop the skills to put you miles ahead of your peers:

  • Political savvy & influence

  • Strategic relationships

  • Communication

  • Prioritization

  • Storytelling

  • Leadership

  • Vision

Module 3

FP&A best practices

Built around my FP&A Operating System framework, you'll learn what activities to prioritize that drive the most value for you and your business partners:

  • The FP&A OS: Maximize the value FP&A adds

  • Reporting: Drive clarity without wasting time

  • Analysis: Illuminate critical business trends

  • Forecasting: Bend business results with your greatest asset

  • Consulting: Become a trusted and respected business partner


Mini-Course: Earn the promotion

Earning a promotion is simple, not easy. Here's the formula: [person you know] thinks you are the [next obvious choice] based on [proof of you doing the job already]

  • It's all about who knows you

  • Become the next obvious choice

  • Build up proof that you can do the job

  • Right place, right time: How to increase the surface area of luck

  • Be compelling: sometimes personality matters

Here are some of the real questions from your peers that are guiding the course

The goal is to answer your specific questions, here's a few that this course already answers:

I am acknowledged as a high performing senior financial analyst and am looking to make the jump to manager. I've been told the gap currently is in "big picture thinking". I would love to hear you talk about how you can build the big picture thinking/strategy muscle. These tasks feel like they take the most time to think through but saying no to lower level work in order to close this gap is a big challenge I'm facing now. Because of that, I would also like to see how you think about prioritization. Not looking to never work over 40, but need some space to breathe to work on my development area. I've already seen great results just defining some of our systems like you lay out in your playbooks. Appreciate what you're doing.

How to think and be more strategic. I’m good at creating reports, forecasting financials and managing the team, but what are some things I can do to actually drive the business forward?

What are some things VPs and CFOs do that I should start implementing into my daily/monthly work? I just don’t know what they are doing.

How do I go from being a top FP&A professional to being a top FP&A manager?

I work in a small company with limited or no upward mobility, how do I get promoted?

How do I influence the business in a practical framework and how do I motivate the team as a finance manager?

How do I get business partners to drive action with my weekly financial reviews. Getting them to hold other cross-functional teams accountable to drive said action, and working around political dynamics that hinder my ability to get my point across.

In your experience, what are some business partnering conversations or projects you can work on with each department? In example, the support department I’ve worked on cost savings through increased capacity, sales department through better revenue forecasting

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